Worker Safety and Health
10 CFR 851 Rule
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Does the site orientation briefing in the last sentence below refer to GET training or will the Seller need to obtain another briefing and if so, from whom?
“(b)(1)(A) Accept and agree to work pursuant to Company’s WSHP. In those cases where the Seller’s on-site activities are limited to an office or meeting environment, the WSHP and Hazard Analysis (HA) requirements can be met through a site orientation briefing.”
Answer: Not specifically, since GET has changed to ORNL Site Access Training. “Site orientation briefing” in the clause is meant to refer to “ORNL Site Access Training”. ORNL Site Access Training provides sufficient training and fulfills a requirement for unescorted site access, including access to Radiological Controlled Areas. ORNL Site Access Training may be arranged through the Technical Project Officer for your subcontract. (Posted 3/9/2007)